Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Traffic Meeting November 13 at 6:30pm


This is a topic that leaves many of us talking forever about how bad the roads around our school have gotten.

The drop off areas are a nightmare for some and others the walk to school is just too unsafe.

How do we address these issues? That is what we all want to know and that is why our Principal and our Parent Council are joining forces to bring in experts from the City of Toronto to help us find solutions!

We are excited to announce that on the evening of Wednesday November 13 at 6:30 Eatonville will be hosting a Traffic Panel with city staff and our local Councillor, Deputy Mayor Stephen Holyday!

To prepare for this evening Parent Council would like to know exactly what your concerns are so that we can make sure that the meeting is focused on what matters most to the Eatonville community!

Email your concerns to eatonvilleparents@gmail.com OR write out your comments and bring the paper to the school office.

If you do not feel comfortable writing in English please let us know and we will have a council member speak to you about your concerns.

Keep your eyes out as there will be more information in the coming days in the November Newsletter.

Hope to see many of you at the meeting!

Help With - Food

So many families in our city find the expenses related to food difficult in the best of times; in the last couple of months this stress has ...